
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day! :)

Hello Mom!

Happy Mother's Day!
That's all I have to say!

Love David


I always wonder what the cost of being a mother is. It must be wonderful thinking about the physical and mental cost of being a Mother. From the second we're born, we're literally ripping you open for our first gasp of air. Of course at that point we don't know the hell we're doing, and we won't for quite a few more years. Yet we cause demonic chaos in the household, it can't/ shouldn't have been fun as a parent, and out of the ruins you still seem to come out with bright wings on your back. I remember the old days, the times when you were taking care of me in our apartment in China. I remember how Dad left to Canada for a job and I remember how loving of a Mother you are. Then I remember how it must have felt being you. There was no way it was easy, it must have been comparable to being a single mother at the time. Yet all I can remember from that time is the warm and caring Mother I had, you didn't show any weakness, any struggle, any pain. You were the real superhero.

Lets be completely honest, I'm not the perfect son you hoped to raise. I had a lot of problems growing up, I was a trouble maker, a deviant, a liar, and a lazy couch potato. I didn't want to study and just wanted to play all day, I didn't help with choirs, and I didn't get you the "Mother of the Year" award.

Do you remember, the day we sat outside Maggie's townhouse? The day I realized my life was in shatters, the day that I realized my life was coming to an end.

Do you remember, all the times where our conversations lead you to tears?

Do you remember, protecting me from the wrath of my Dad, when I refused to do the dishes, when I failed classes, when I broke stuff, when I crashed the car, or when I was just to stubborn to listen.

Do you remember, all the sleepless night you have just thinking about my future?

I'm sure the list goes on.

Do you remember, all the suffering you went through just for me?

I'm sorry.

What I'm trying to say is, you never gave up on me.

Through all the tears, all the pain, all the heartbreak. There was never a moment that I felt abandoned. Through all the tough times in my life, there was a guardian angel overlooking my life. Taking care of me through all the retarded things I've done. Guiding me spiritual and mentally through all the hardships and emotional roller coasters. I'm so grateful for all you've done. Words aren't enough to thank you for all you've done. Just know that I would not be here today without you.

I can't say, I'm the perfect little demon you wanted as of right now, but I'm finally on the right track.
I pray that you will live a healthy life and grow old, that you will be able to play with your grandson/ granddaughter. I hope that I can someday repay you with all the feathers you shred for me and if that means changing your diapers someday. I'd gladly do it.

Without you, this world would be a whole lot darker.

I love you.

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