
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No regrets?

I've read your blog before and I know you think that having regrets is impossible right?

Well this is my standpoint.
I am who I am right now and I am satisfied with who I am right now. (This does not mean i'm am not trying improve myself, it only means that i don't hate myself for the wrongs i've done)
I believe that every single instance of my life leads to the person who i am right now.
So whether I do things right or wrong, I have learned from my wrongs and if I didn't do what was wrong, then I won't have been able to see what I could have done to have been right. You don't learn by doing things right or you do a bit, but by doing wrong you learn so much more.
Because I love to learn and i don't mind doing things wrong if I learn from them, then I can't really hate myself for doing things wrong.

So why have regrets when I have changed for the better?

Yes, I do wish to go back in time and change the stuff that I had done and do things differently, but I think that with the lessons i've learned, the past i want to change will only make me someone worse.

Keep in mind that this only works because I learn from my mistakes... If I never learn... then yeah... no kidding I would go back and change everything...

As well as, I'm still alive, still breathing and still able to keep improving my life. There is no "Too late". There is only "I am still alive, still breathing and therefore I can change my life."

Remember, It's never too late to right your wrongs

So no regrets. This is the way I want to live and the way I want to die. To live with no regrets and to die with no regrets. But I know if I die now, I will have 1 regret and that is to have not been able to correct all the wrongs that I have done.

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